• Travel: Boston- Madrid / Madrid -Burgos ROUND TRIP
  • Spanish class two hours a day at the Language Institute.  The OLE program!
  • All the activities included in the program (Cathedral / Royal Monastery Strikes / Cartuja / Castle / Museum of Human Evolution / Paleolithic Safari / Sports facilities
  • Residence option-Half board (breakfast + Lunch or breakfast + dinner)

Prices with travel

In Residence

$ 3,496
  • Two weeks: $ 2,615

In Family

$ 2,622
  • Two weeks: $ 2,352

Ask for  special discounts for groups

We offer each person the possibility to book the trip and travel to Burgos on their own.

Prices without travel

In Residence

$ 2,500
  • Two weeks: $ 1,750

In Family

$ 1,700
  • Two weeks: $ 1,450


As from the 1st of February, citizens of the United States will be able to travel from the US to Spain if:

1) They have the QR code from the official Spanish government webpage: They must have this code before  boarding the plane.  

2) They contribute or carry a complete vaccine certification recognized by the ministry of Health.  For vaccination to be considered complete,  it is necessary to have received the reinforcement or booster shot or the last vaccine shot within the last 270 days.